

目前顯示的是 1月, 2019的文章
紅龍果怎栽培?透過栽植技術,取得成本與產量間的平衡 2018 年 06 月 10 日 8705 內容提供/ 豐年社 文、攝影/ 劉碧鵑 紅龍果原生長於熱帶雨林,1980年代在臺灣開始大規模種植。近年來為臺灣所熟悉,是蔬果市場的新興寵兒。以下會從育苗開始,分別敘述紅龍果的栽種技術,以作為農民在栽種紅龍果時的參考。 育苗與栽植,扦插苗最普遍 早期因枝條取得不易,只能利用實生苗大量繁殖進行栽植,目前則以扦插苗繁殖最為普遍,將枝條剪下直接定植於田間。紅龍果枝條帶有氣生根,一般在定植1~2個月後即可長根。若為育苗用,插枝的長度應取30公分以上,並選取生長勢強、粗壯、向陽、無病蟲害、1~2年生的肉質莖枝條,枝條基部削尖或斜切,置於蔭涼處讓傷口乾燥癒合後,沾少許發根劑或另加殺菌劑,再斜插於疏鬆的培養土,加快發根速率與減少切口的腐爛,如能刮去少許肉質莖露出中心的維管束扦插更佳。 紅龍果的栽培技術良好與否,將會直接反映至外觀。此為越南紅龍果,在外觀上即轉色不佳,果皮無法完全轉紅、鱗片偏長且厚實。 剪下的肉質莖可先陰乾數天,待傷口癒合後再行扦插,可預防基部腐爛(基腐病)。亦可將剪下的枝條直接定植,但深度不宜超過3公分,在基部周邊覆滿土即可,初期水分供應不宜太多,否則傷口容易腐爛,但2個月長根後,水分的供應則要充足,以加速新芽抽生速度。利用扦插繁殖為目前最快速簡便的種苗培育方法,且能保有原母株的特性,全年皆可進行。 更新品種時,一般採用嫁接法(包括切接、嫩梢接、芽接、嵌接等多種)。依氣候環境及枝條生長情形選擇適當的嫁接方法,成活率一般可在8成以上。以切接或嵌接繁殖時,砧木的選擇為多年生,以不帶芽體的肉質枝條為最好,砧木至少30公分長,高溫期嫁接須加紙袋保護以防接穗失水萎凋;嫩梢接及芽接則多在氣候較為冷涼的初春進行,嫁接成活後芽體若抽長枝條至90公分以上,在氣候環境適合時隔年即可開花。 紅龍果一年四季均適宜栽植,但以春秋兩季較為涼爽的季節最好,可減少枝條水分的散失。定植後抽出的新枝10~14個月後可現花苞,原母株亦可能在當年即會萌花,但母株與過於幼嫩的新枝不留花果,以培育健壯的枝條為原則,一般定植後隔年才開始少量留果。 紅龍果更新換種方法之 一,穗砧中心維管束須密 切接合。 支撐架,水泥材質較為耐用 紅龍果為...
Tutorial : Write a Hangouts Chatbot powered by Google Cloud Functions Romin Irani Follow Mar 14, 2018 This is part of a  Google Cloud Tutorial Series . Check out the series for all the articles. Google recently  announced  general availability of  Hangouts Chat  for G Suite customers. The announcement mentioned the release of the Hangouts API to write  custom Chatbots  that can be made available to users in your organization. This is a step by step tutorial on writing a sample bot with full instructions on setting it up in your Hangouts Chat and seeing it work. The Bot that we are going to write is a simple one but a very apt one for the times that we live in: A Bitcoin Hangouts Chatbot. It will provide you the current price in a currency of your choice : USD, EUR and GBP. If you have invested in Bitcoin, I hope you keep calm with the price fluctuations, if any. Let’s get going. Prerequisites You should have a G Suite acc...
HOME ABOUT RESOURCES AI CONSULTING COURSES Install OpenCV Docker Image on Ubuntu, MacOS or Windows SEPTEMBER 2, 2018  BY  VISHWESH SHRIMALI   12 COMMENTS In this post, we are sharing Docker image for  OpenCV 3.4.3 , and the recently released  OpenCV 3.4.4  and  OpenCV 4.0 . In addition to OpenCV, the image also has  dlib  and a  Facial Landmark Detection  example code. Every day we receive a few emails and comments on our posts about OpenCV and Dlib installation. Even with the detailed and tested instructions, sometimes it is tough for people to get a system up and running. So, we have been thinking of providing a solution for people who have struggled with installation issues. One way to solve this problem is to provide a Virtual Machine (VM) with all the libraries installed. A huge downside of using a VM is the large file people need to download. Sometimes it can be 10s of GBs. A smarter and newer way to s...