One of the great perks of living in the San Francisco Bay Area is proximity to some amazing wine regions. Over the last couple years, I've visited vineyards in regions like Napa Valley, Sonoma Valley, Paso Robles, and even Malibu. I recently ran into a machine learning data set that has data on 6000 Portuguese wines that includes a 1-10 quality rating, which seems like a great excuse to build a neural network that can predict the 1-10 quality rating based on factors like residual sugar and alcohol content. Effectively, this neural network attempts to match the wine palate of whoever put this data set together.

Training a Neural Network with Brain.js

Brain.js is a simple npm module for building neural networks, a common machine learning model that you might see in an undergraduate AI class.
The wine data can be downloaded here. The file is a CSV that uses semi-colons (;) as a delimiter. The contents look like this:
The first 11 columns are various chemical properties of a given wine, and the 12th and final column is a "quality" score that represents how good this wine tastes according to the person who recorded this data.
"Training" is how you build a neural network. Given some training data, Brain.js builds a mathematical model for predicting the quality rating of a wine based on the chemical properties. Below is an example from the Brain.js docs about how to train and then use a neural network.
var net = new brain.NeuralNetwork();

net.train([{input: { r: 0.03, g: 0.7, b: 0.5 }, output: { black: 1 }},
           {input: { r: 0.16, g: 0.09, b: 0.2 }, output: { white: 1 }},
           {input: { r: 0.5, g: 0.5, b: 1.0 }, output: { white: 1 }}]);

var output = net.run({ r: 1, g: 0.4, b: 0 });  // { white: 0.99, black: 0.002 }
For the wine data, the input will be an object representing the chemical properties, and the output will contain one property, the quality. One key detail about Brain.js is that all inputs must be between 0 and 1, so you need to scale some of the inputs. Below is the first wine from the CSV converted into a format that Brain.js can use for training a neural network.
{ input:
   { 'fixed acidity': 0.7,
     'volatile acidity': 0.027000000000000003,
     'citric acid': 0.036,
     'residual sugar': 0.0207,
     chlorides: 0.0045,
     'free sulfur dioxide': 0.045,
     'total sulfur dioxide': 0.17,
     density: 0.1001,
     pH: 0.3,
     sulphates: 0.045,
     alcohol: 0.08800000000000001 },
  output: { quality: 0.6 } }
Below is the code for training a neural network on the first 1000 wines in the CSV.
const { NeuralNetwork } = require('brain.js');
const _ = require('lodash');
const fs = require('fs');

const raw = fs.readFileSync('./winequality-white.csv', 'utf8').split('\n');
const headers = raw[0].split(';').map(header => header.replace(/"/g, ''));

// Convert the raw data from a string into an array of objects where property
// names match the column headers.
const data = raw.
  map(line => line.split(';').
  reduce((cur, v, i) => {
    // Ensure that numberic values are between 0 and 1
    // Admittedly this is a bit hacky, and I'd love to hear how machine
    // learning experts handle this.
    if (headers[i].includes('sulfur') || headers[i].includes('sugar')) {
      cur[headers[i]] = parseFloat(v) / 1000;
    } else if (headers[i].includes('alcohol')) {
      cur[headers[i]] = parseFloat(v) / 100;
    } else {
      // Quality will be 0.1-1 rather than 1-10
      cur[headers[i]] = parseFloat(v) / 10;
    return cur;
  }, {}));

const net = new NeuralNetwork();
const numTrainingData = 1000;

const trainingData = data.
  slice(0, numTrainingData).
  map(obj => ({
    input: _.omit(obj, ['quality']),
    output: _.pick(obj, ['quality'])


console.log('done training', net.train(trainingData));
Once you have trained a neural network, you can use it to estimate the quality of subsequent wines based on their chemical properties. Below is code that takes the neural network, runs it on the next 50 wines, and calculates the average difference between the neural network's prediction and the actual quality of the wine.
let error = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < 50; ++i) {
  const { quality } = net.run(_.omit(data[numTrainingData + i], ['quality']));
  error += Math.abs(quality - data[numTrainingData + i].quality);
  console.log(i, quality, data[numTrainingData + i].quality);
console.log('Average error', error / 50);

Below is the truncated output. This rudimentary neural network gets within about 0.6 of the actual quality rating on average.
45 0.602045476436615 0.5
46 0.5928407311439514 0.5
47 0.4441471993923187 0.5
48 0.449766606092453 0.5
49 0.7137854695320129 0.6
Average error 0.06042885661125182

Serializing the Neural Network

In practice you don't want to recompute the neural network every time, because even in this simple example training the neural network takes approximately 20 seconds. You can serialize the neural network using the toJSON() function:
// Serialize the neural network as JSON to a file
fs.writeFileSync('./net.json', JSON.stringify(net.toJSON(), null, '  '));
Open up the net.json file to see what the neural network looks like. Neural networks consist of "nodes" or "neurons" that assign a weight to each input. When you train a neural network, brain.js searches to try to come up with weights that match the training data as closely as possible. Here's a sample node from the net.json file that shows the weights for each parameter.
  "bias": -5.532558917999268,
  "weights": {
    "fixed acidity": 1.0129427909851074,
    "volatile acidity": -3.8902039527893066,
    "citric acid": -0.4018211364746094,
    "residual sugar": -0.5149407386779785,
    "chlorides": -3.0765116214752197,
    "free sulfur dioxide": 2.4955267906188965,
    "total sulfur dioxide": -0.5537568926811218,
    "density": -1.1998544931411743,
    "pH": 3.0909314155578613,
    "sulphates": 2.17152738571167,
    "alcohol": 9.936287879943848
You can then load the neural network from the JSON file and re-use it.
const net = new NeuralNetwork();

net.fromJSON(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./net.json', 'utf8')));

// ...

let error = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < 50; ++i) {
  const { quality } = net.run(_.omit(data[numTrainingData + i], ['quality']));
  error += Math.abs(quality - data[numTrainingData + i].quality);
  console.log(i, quality, data[numTrainingData + i].quality);
console.log('Average error', error / 50);

Moving On

There's an npm module for just about everything, even machine learning. Brain.js is one of the older libraries. There's also a newer one by Google that supposedly has better performance called deeplearn. If you're interested in the theory of machine learning, I highly recommend Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig. R&N is the standard textbook for undergraduate AI courses and serves as an excellent introduction.




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完形心理學!?讓我們了解“介面設計師”為什麼這樣設計 — 說服客戶與老闆、跟工程師溝通、強化設計概念的有感心理學 — 情況 1 : 為何要留那麼多空白? 害我還要滾動滑鼠(掀桌) 情況 2 : 為什麼不能直接用一頁展現? 把客戶的需求塞滿不就完工啦! (無言) 情況 3: 這種設計好像不錯,但是為什麼要這樣做? (直覺大神告訴我這樣設計,但我說不出來為什麼..) 雖然世界上有許多 GUI 已經走得又長又遠又厲害,但別以為這種古代人對話不會出現,一直以來我們只是習慣這些 GUI 被如此呈現,但為何要這樣設計我們卻不一定知道。 由於 完形心理學 歸納出人類大腦認知之普遍性的規則,因此無論是不是 UI/UX 設計師都很適合閱讀本篇文章。但還是想特別強調,若任職於傳統科技公司,需要對上說服老闆,需要平行說服(資深)工程師,那請把它收進最愛;而習慣套用設計好的 UI 套件,但不知道為何這樣設計的 IT 工程師,也可以透過本文來強化自己的產品說服力。 那就開始吧~(擊掌) 完形心理學,又稱作格式塔(Gestalt)心理學,於二十世紀初由德國心理學家提出 — 用以說明人類大腦如何解釋肉眼所觀察到的事物,並轉化為我們所認知的物件。它可說是現代認知心理學的基礎,其貫徹的概念就是「整體大於個體的總合 “The whole is other than the sum of the parts.” —  Kurt Koffka」。 若深究完整的理論將會使本文變得非常的艱澀,因此筆者直接抽取個人認為與 UI 設計較為相關的 7 個原則(如下),並搭配實際案例做說明。有興趣了解全部理論的話可以另外 Google。 1. 相似性 (Similarity)  — 我們的大腦會把相似的事物看成一體 如果數個元素具有類似的尺寸、體積、顏色,使用者會自動為它們建立起關聯。這是因為我們的眼睛和大腦較容易將相似的事物組織在一起。如下圖所示,當一連串方塊和一連串的圓形並排時,我們會看成(a)一列方塊和兩列圓形(b)一排圓形和兩排三角形。 對應用到介面設計上,FB 每則文章下方的按鈕圖標(按讚 Like / 留言Comment / 分享 Share)雖然功能各不相同,但由於它們在視覺上顏色、大小、排列上的相似性,用戶會將它們視認為...