[English below]
親愛的 g0v Summit 2018 講者、主持人、與談人、工作坊工人:
非常感謝你參與今年的 g0v Summit。今年的 Summit,我們籌備團隊希望能更坦承的談論「開放」、「治理」、「社群」、「政治」。因為你的參與,和近數百位會眾,我們才能在這三天的議程中,思考、討論、停留傾聽,一起向前邁進。
在此我們想藉這封 email,分享我們的想法、創造更多連結,也想誠摯邀請各位與我們一起繼續這趟開放、多元的社群旅程。我們誠摯地邀請你,用以下的各種方式參與 g0v:
g0v 是一個多中心的社群。g0v 不是組織,沒有單一的代表人。g0v Summit 2018 團隊集結了上百名工人志工,在近一年的籌備期間, 殫精竭慮, 試圖營造一個誠懇、包容、安全、友善的對話空間。
隨著年會落幕,任務導向的 g0v Summit 2018 團隊工作也到此結束。我們以本屆全體工人名義簽署這封 email,期待與參與年會的各位講者,繼續交流、分享、實踐,在社會上不同的角落,打造自己心目中的開放、多元、流動的公民黑客文化。
我們期待,g0v 的「沒有人」精神,能夠「一直都有人」。
總召 ipa 副召 kirby 副召 Mouse Kuo 總籌組組長 Bess 議程召集人 pm5 議程委員 八六 議程委員 陳舜伶 議程委員 HC 議程委員 MG Lee 議程組組長 子期 議程組組長 chihao 合作夥伴組組長 clkao 行政組組長 小草 票務組組長 Lee 宣傳組組長 映昕 文創組組長 Muka 公關組組長 小班 網站 app 組組長 Denny 場務組組長 皇甫 口譯組組長 NTTAVAF 直播組組長 YuTin 紀錄組組長 丹丹
[English here]
Dear g0v Summit 2018 speaker, moderator, panelist, workshop facilitator,
We the g0v Summit 2018 Working Group would like to sincerely thank you for your participation and contribution to this year’s g0v Summit. This year, “open”, “governance”, “community”, “politics” are the concepts that we wanted to talk about with more candor. With you and along with hundreds of participants gathering in Taipei, this year’s Summit was really an opportunity for all of us to pause, listen, discuss, and reflect.
With this email, we would like to cordially invite you to join our journey towards a more open and diverse community so that there can be a common place for all to share thoughts and build connections. Here are some ways to further engage with g0v, please don’t hesitate to join us in any of the following ways:
Join g0v Slack channel: Get a invitation from our Slack by entering your email on http://join.g0v.tw, don’t forget to say hi on #general.
g0v is a distributed community. It is not an organization, nor is there a single representative. This year’s g0v Summit was organized by 100+ volunteer workers. Together for almost a year, we strived to build a honest, inclusive, friendly and safe space for dialogue.
As this year’s Summit comes to an end, so does this year’s Summit Working Group. Finally, we sign this letter in the name of all of us. It is our sincerest hope that these exchanges, sharings, and practices can continue, and that each of us can create cultures of civic hacking in our respective lives that are as open, diverse, and fluid as we believe it could be.
We hope that somebody can always be there for nobody.
Thank you.
Director - ipa Deputy Director - kirby Deputy Director - Mouse Kuo Head of General Preparatory Task Force - Bess Head of Programming Committee - pm5 Programming Committee member - 86 Programming Committee member - slc/shun-ling Programming Committee member - HC Programming Committee member - MG Lee Head of Programming Task Force - viktor Head of Programming Task Force - chihao Head of Partnership Task Force - clkao Head of Administration Task Force - grass Head of Ticketing Task Force - Lee Head of Advertising Task Force - yslee Head of Product Development Task Force - Muka Head of Media Relation Task Force - ael Head of Information Architecture Task Force - Denny Head of General Services Task Force - HuangFu Head of Translation Task Force - NTTAVAF Head of Broadcasting Task Force - YuTin Head of Photography Task Force - Daniel