We shipped more than 3400 CZUR scanners to 93 countries during our previous campaign. Building on that success, we’ve developed the Aura to revolutionize the way you save and store your important documents and fondest memories! * Digitize books without unbinding them. Convert them to PDF, editable Word (2.5sec/page) * Scan a wide range of documents and objects up to A3 size * Doubles as a versatile lamp with 4 light settings Note: Power cable provided and additional built-in battery OPTIONAL
  • FAQ
  • COMMENTS 151
  • BACKERS 6,737

        Save Time and Money, and Your Memories Forever     Save ALL Your Important Documents with the CZUR Aura


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Quickly and Effortlessly Create an Infinite Digital Library on Your Laptop

Make light work of all those heavy and expensive text books, and thick piles of documents
Save Effort! Digitize books without unbinding them
Save Time! Ultra-fast scanning speed of just 2 seconds per page
Choose Your Format! Output files to JPGWord and  PDF

Preserve Your Treasured Memories. Keep Them Timeless, and Pass Them Down to Future Generations

Your new CZUR Aura can scan almost anything, including a wide variety of documents and objects up to the size of A3
Your Old Family Photos: 
Your Art Works:
The First Toy You Bought for Your Kids:

Create, Scan, Store and Share Your Work All from One Place, at the Comfort of Your Desk

An effortless and seamless flow from paper to email, from concept to digital storage
  • Effortless and seamless flow
  • From concept to digital storage
  • And from paper to email in one go
  • Aura is a perfect designer desk pad too!
Free your hands and space! Handy foot pedal to trigger scanning

Versatile! Doubles as an Attractive Desk or Bedside Lamp

With its sleek and innovative design, combined with its revolutionary array of lights and light settings, the Aura doubles as a lamp. What incredible value for money!
Easy on the Eye
Easy to Control by Sound

Proprietary AI Algorithm and Software Technology Ensures an Effortless Scanning Experience

Three laser lines embeded in Aura use a revolutionary AI algorithm to straighten book curves
Smart Paging for Books
Auto Alignment
Manual Selection: Single select out of multiple items on one scan

Referral Rewards Campaign

Be part of our Referral Incentive Contest and win great prizes for telling your friends about the CZUR Aura!
For each and every friend you refer who purchases a CZUR Aura, you will receive the following, along with your order:
For more details on how to enter, check our Updates Page post with the same heading.

Aura in Use

In Production Stage

  1. Our production team assembling and testing the Aura
  2. The Aura undergoing stringent QC testing
  3. CZUR scanners packaged and ready to be shipped around the world
  4. See how compact and portable the Aura is folded flat! 

 Accessories Which Come with the Aura and Tech Specs


  • Due to the volume of emails and comments we've been receiving, we will try to reply to them in a timely manner. You can expect a response within 24 hours. Please leave your comments on the comment section instead of sending emails for faster response.
  • Can I trust CZUR? I've paid for other crowdfunding campaigns and they didn't deliver their promise.  You can absolutely trust CZUR. If you need more convincing, please check out our previous Indiegogo campaign where we sold and shipped out more than 3400 units. 
  • How do I buy Aura's battery version? You need to make two transactions separately: buy the available Aura perk and buy the $30 battery perk. The battery version costs NO shipping fee and we will ship an Aura with built-in battery to you.
  • Is there a warranty? Yes. We offer a 12-month warranty.
  • When and Where does it ship? VAT and GST not included? We ship globally. 
    We will start to ship the first batch to the US backers in Dec 2018. We will keep you up to date on your product shipment. Actual ship dates may vary. VAT and GST charges are not included.
  • How is Aura different from hand scanners? Hand scanner is different from our product due to completely different scanning technologies used (CIS vs CMOS):
    1. Hand scanner has to be held and made physical contact with the scanned docs all the way down. With Aura, you just need to turn the pages almost as fast as you want. 
    2. You can't really use hand scanner to scan books because of the book curves. Aura allows you to scan books without unbinding them. 
    3. You can scan objects and pictures using our scanner but not with hand scanner.
  • Why do I need Aura when my smartphone can do the job as wellIf you only need to scan one or two flat-printed docs/photos once in a while, it makes economical sense to just use a free APP. But if your docs are curled or you need to scan books, and you don't want to spend days to scan them, our product is a much better option. Because we have proprietary book-curve flattening algorithm and other AI technology to help save your time and effort.
  • Can Aura scan documents in languages other than EnglishYes. The OCR feature of the software supports 186 languages.
  • What is the differences between the Aura and the ET16 Plus?
    The core technologies such as book curve straightening, OCR and fingerprint removal are the same for ET16 PLUS and Aura.
    The main differences between Aura and ET16 Plus are:
    1. Sensor Difference: 
        Aura is 14 megapixels VS ET16 Plus 16 megapixels
    2. Price Difference: 
        Aura is USD 179 + 30 shipping fee 
        ET16 Plus is USD 459 on Amazon
    3. Scanning Methods:
        ET16 has five scanning methods: you can use foot pedal, hand button, choose the auto    scan or click on the software to trigger the scanning  
        Aura has two scanning methods: foot pedal and auto scan on the software
    4. Portable 
        Aura is foldable, portable with built-in battery 
        ET16 not so
    5. Lamp Feature
        We designed Aura because we know some of our personal users don't scan on a daily basis. So we added four professional light modes to Aura, hoping that it will bring higher value.
    6. Visual Display Feature
         ET16 Plus has a visual presenter feature.
         Aura doesn't have this feature
Looking for more information or have a question? See the FAQ
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2017通訊大賽「聯發科技物聯網開發競賽」決賽團隊29強出爐!作品都在11月24日頒獎典禮進行展示 LIS   發表於 2017年11月16日 10:31   收藏此文 2017通訊大賽「聯發科技物聯網開發競賽」決賽於11月4日在台北文創大樓舉行,共有29個隊伍進入決賽,角逐最後的大獎,並於11月24日進行頒獎,現場會有全部進入決賽團隊的展示攤位,總計約為100個,各種創意作品琳琅滿目,非常值得一看,這次錯過就要等一年。 「聯發科技物聯網開發競賽」決賽持續一整天,每個團隊都有15分鐘面對評審團做簡報與展示,並接受評審們的詢問。在所有團隊完成簡報與展示後,主辦單位便統計所有評審的分數,並由評審們進行審慎的討論,決定冠亞季軍及其他各獎項得主,結果將於11月24日的「2017通訊大賽頒獎典禮暨成果展」現場公佈並頒獎。 在「2017通訊大賽頒獎典禮暨成果展」現場,所有入圍決賽的團隊會設置攤位,總計約為100個,展示他們辛苦研發並實作的作品,無論是想觀摩別人的成品、了解物聯網應用有那些新的創意、尋找投資標的、尋找人才、尋求合作機會或是單純有興趣,都很適合花點時間到現場看看。 頒獎典禮暨成果展資訊如下: 日期:2017年11月24日(星期五) 地點:中油大樓國光廳(台北市信義區松仁路3號) 我要報名參加「2017通訊大賽頒獎典禮暨成果展」>>> 在參加「2017通訊大賽頒獎典禮暨成果展」之前,可以先在本文觀看各團隊的作品介紹。 決賽29強團隊如下: 長者安全救星 可隨意描繪或書寫之電子筆記系統 微觀天下 體適能訓練管理裝置 肌少症之行走速率檢測系統 Sugar Robot 賽亞人的飛機維修輔助器 iTemp你的溫度個人化管家 語音行動冰箱 MR模擬飛行 智慧防盜自行車 跨平台X-Y視覺馬達控制 Ironmet 菸消雲散 無人小艇 (Mini-USV) 救OK-緊急救援小幫手 穿戴式長照輔助系統 應用於教育之模組機器人教具 這味兒很台味 Aquarium Hub 發展遲緩兒童之擴增實境學習系統 蚊房四寶 車輛相控陣列聲納環境偵測系統 戶外團隊運動管理裝置 懷舊治療數位桌曆 SeeM智能眼罩 觸覺點字學習系統
2019全台精選3+個燈會,週邊順遊景點懶人包 2019燈會要去哪裡看?全台精選3+個燈會介紹、週邊順遊景點整理給你。 東港小鎮燈區-鮪鮪到來。 2019-02-15 微笑台灣編輯室 全台灣 各縣市政府 1435 延伸閱讀 ►  元宵節不只看燈會!全台元宵祭典精選、順遊景點整理 [屏東]2019台灣燈會在屏東 2/9-3/3:屏東市 · 東港鎮 · 大鵬灣國家風景區 台灣燈會自1990年起開始辦理,至2019年邁入第30週年,也是首次在屏東舉辦,屏東縣政府與交通部觀光局導入創新、科技元素,融入在地特色文化設計,在東港大鵬灣國家風景區打造廣闊的海洋灣域燈區,東港鎮結合漁港及宗教文化的小鎮燈區,及屏東市綿延近5公里長的綵燈節河岸燈區,讓屏東成為璀璨的光之南國,迎向國際。 詳細介紹 ►  2019台灣燈會在屏東 第一次移師國境之南 大鵬灣燈區 主題樂園式燈會也是主燈所在區,區內分為農業海洋燈區、客家燈區、原住民燈區、綠能環保燈區、藝術燈區、宗教燈區、競賽花燈及317個社區關懷據點手作的萬歲光廊等。 客家燈籠隧道。 平日:周一~周四14:00-22:30(熄燈) 假日:周五~周六10:00-22:30(熄燈)  屏東燈區: 萬年溪畔 屏東綵燈節藍區-生態。 綵燈節--每日17:30 - 22:00(熄燈) 勝利星村--平日:14:00 - 22:30(熄燈) 假日:10:00 - 22:30(熄燈) 燈區以「彩虹」為主題,沿著蜿蜒市區的萬年溪打造近5公里長的光之流域,50組水上、音樂及互動科技等不同類型燈飾,呈現紅色熱情、橙色活力、黃色甜美、綠色雄偉、藍色壯闊、靛色神祕、紫色華麗等屏東風情。勝利星村另有懷舊風的燈飾,及屏東公園聖誕節燈飾。 東港小鎮燈區 東港小鎮燈區-鮪鮪到來。 小鎮燈區以海的屏東為主題,用漁港風情及宗教文化內涵規劃4個主題區,分別為張燈結綵趣、東津好風情、神遊幸福海、延平老街區。每日17:00~22:30(熄燈) 以上台灣燈會資料來源: 2019台灣燈會官網 、 i屏東~愛屏東 。 >> 順遊行程 小吃旅行-東港小鎮 東港小吃和東港人一樣,熱情澎湃而且誠意滿滿,從市街找到巷裡,早餐吃到宵夜,可惜
自製直播音源線 Bird Liang   October 6, 2016   in  View Bird Liang, Chief Engineer (梁子凌 / 技術長兼工程輔導長) 負責 AppWorks 技術策略與佈署,同時主導工程輔導。人生的第一份正職工作是創業,之後在外商圈電子業中闖蕩多年,經歷過 NXP、Sony、Newport Imagining、Crossmatch 等企業,從事無線通訊、影像系統、手機、面板、半導體、生物辨識等不同領域產品開發。熱愛學習新事物,協助團隊解決技術問題。放棄了幾近退休般的生活加入 AppWorks,為的是幫助更多在創業路上的人,並重新體驗創業的熱情。台大農機系、台科大電子所畢業,熱愛賞鳥、演奏管風琴,亦是不折不扣的熱血 Maker。 隨著 Facebook 開放一般帳號直播,現在我們只要拿起手機,隨時隨地都可以開始直播。回想幾年前 AppWorks 剛開始進行 Demo Day 直播時,還要將 HDMI 訊號接進 PC 中、再編碼打進 YouTube 的複雜度,實不可同日而語。 但用手機或平板直播最大的問題往往不是影像而是聲音。iPhone 或 iPad 上的攝影機,感度和解析度早已不輸數年前的專業攝影機,只要現場光不太差,大概都可以拍出令人滿意的畫面。但直播的聲音一直是個大問題,手機上的麥克風跟人耳所聽到的聲音其實有很大的差距,在比較大的場子裡,光是仰賴內建麥克風的收音多半無法有令人滿意的效果。 在大型的活動中,現場通常會有 PA 系統,最理想的方式還是想辦法將 PA 的訊號餵進 iPad 或 iPhone 中,保證聲音乾淨又清楚,絕對不會有其它有的沒的現場音。 iPhone 的耳機孔雖然可以插帶有麥克風的耳機 (如 Apple 原廠的 EarPods),但它的訊號位準是電容式麥克風的位準。PA 控台的輸出幾乎都是 line level 的,兩者的訊號電壓相差百倍以上,我們得做個小東西來解決這個差距。 Line 與 Mic 在 mixer 上,我們常會看到輸入可以在兩種規格中切換: line level 和 mic level。Mic level 顧名思義就是從麥克風來的訊號,這個訊號的規格是從不需供電的傳統動圈麥克風來的。因為不需供電,所有的訊號都來自於聲壓